
Coming Soon

6th August 2019

Our Sponsors

Ordin@trix 19.0

It all started 13 years ago. A fusion of creativity, talent and skill is what Ordin@trix is all about. Ordin@trix has evolved through the years moving from an interschool festival at the state level to an international event. Over the years we have had students from China, Muscat, Japan and other countries as regular participants.

The event has witnessed gracious presence of celebrities like Mr. Amol Gupte and Miss Manju Singh apart from experts from various technical fields. The movies showcased here have been screened at the movie festivals by PVR Cinemas and CHINH India Festival.

Pyrotech Club

Since it's conception, Ordin@trix has come a long way and so have the PYROTECHS. They are the very nuclei of Ordin@trix, who create fireworks in the field of technology. They breathe life into Ordin@trix.

PYROTECH members are an elite team of student computer enthusiasts. They have represented the school in various competitions and won laurels in events such as web designing, software development, image editing, movie making, 3-D modelling, Robotics, photography and others.

The Events

Because you have to know what all is in the store.

News and Updates

Some general guidelines

  1. Only online registrations on first come first served basis.The first 35 registrations will be accommodated. The last date for registration is 25 July. On the spot registrations for any event will NOT be accepted. Certain events are subject to restraint regarding number of registrations. Schools are requested to check the same in the event rules.
  2. List of registered schools will be displayed on our website and social portals
  3. Registered schools will report to the registration desk on 06 August 2019 before 9 AM. In case a school is running late, it must inform the organizers about the same.
  4. All the events will be held simultaneously starting from 9 AM and one student can register only for one event.
  5. Each school team must be accompanied by a teacher.
  6. Please refer to our school website, www.tagoreint.com/vv and our Facebook page, Ordinatrix 19.0, for the latest updates on the events.
  7. Decisions of the organizers & jury members regarding any issue related to Ordin@trix’19.0 will be FINAL AND BINDING on all schools and participants.
  8. To qualify for the overall trophy, a school must take part in a minimum of 5 events.



Get your minds running like 'em RAMs.


Debate like Arnab Goswami to get to chill


Stop, (don't) Drop and Roll...The camera


The ultimate quiz event where you quiz the obvious


Pixar's up


Well, being genuine never helped anyway, so time to surprise


You be clicking while the clock's ticking.

Prepare to be enthralled by the fusion of arts, in our flagship
multi-disciplinary STEAM event to test and bring out the best in you.
  1. This event is open for students of classes VI-XII. Participants should be prepared to unlearn, learn, create & collaborate on the spot .
  2. Only 1 participant is allowed to participate from each school.
  3. Only first 35 registrations will be considered.
  4. Duration of the event is 3 hours.
  5. Students will learn how to implement basic technologies like Electronics - Arduino, Sensors, Programming, CAD Design & 3D Printing to solve day to day problems and build a product.
  6. Participants will be provided with components required and have to develop an IDEA/ Product within 3 hours.
  7. Each student to carry his/her laptop for the event. Knowledge of arduino board & programming will be helpful.
It’s not always about using mouse and keyboards.
Sometimes, words work just as well.
  1. This debating event is open for students of classes IX-XII.
  2. Only 1 participant is allowed to participate from each school.
  3. There are 3 rounds in this event. The Prelim and the Semi Final will be a knockout style 1 v 1 debate. The Final would be a group discussion.
  4. The choice of topic, sides and opponents would be done on the spot using a randomized chit system.
  5. In the first round, participants will be given 2 minutes to speak on the given topic.
  6. In the second round, the participants would be given 1 minute for their opening statement, followed by 15 minutes of unmoderated discussion and ending with a closing statement of 1 minute each by each participant.
It's time to portray the feeling of heart on a celluloid
  1. This event is open for students of classes VIII-XII.
  2. A team of 2 can participate from each school, with 1 team per school only.
  3. The movie length should not be more than 4 minutes(including credits). The participants are not allowed to use any copyrighted content in their work.
  4. The participating teams must upload their entries on YouTube (Unlisted/Private)latest by 27th July’19
  5. Top 20 entries will be invited for the final showcase in front of the jury.
  6. Topics -
    • The Mistake of Race
    • A Pauper, An Indigent
    • Artificial Reality and Real Life
Time to put your knowledge to test, little quizzer
  1. This event is open for students of classes IX-XII.
  2. A team of 2 can participate from each school, with 1 team per school only.
  3. This event will be conducted in two phases: an online Prelim followed by an on-site Final.
  4. Only the top 6 teams will qualify for the Finals. The list of selected teams will be uploaded latest by 05 August 2019.
  5. Prelims start on 15 July, details of which would be shared with the registered participants
  6. Questions can be asked from any aspect of the world of Technology and related industries.
  7. Please check our website and facebook page for the latest updates and the details of prelims
Its time to be the pixar of the 21st Century
  1. This event is open for students of classes III-V.
  2. Only the first 20 teams registered will be selected for the event
  3. A team of 2 can participate from each school, with 1 team per school only.
  4. The participants are supposed to create a short movie using SCRATCH2.0 on the given topic within one hour
Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation creation and change
  1. This event is open for students of classes VI to XII.
  2. Only 1 team with 2 students can participate from each school.
  3. Only first 20 registrations will be entertained for this event.
  4. Students must come with an idea /solution to one of the existing/future problems of mankind and/or the world we live in.
  5. They will then present it using the creative suite of ‘Adobe Spark’
  6. The teams will be oriented on the softwares, though pre hand knowledge will be helpful.
  7. Each team will get 2 systems to work upon.
Capture time in space!
  1. This event is open for students of classes VI-XII.
  2. Only 1 team with 2 students can participate from each school.
  3. The topic will be declared on the spot .
  4. Participants are required to do as directed in the given time frame.
  5. Photos should be clicked within the given area,anyone trespassing will be disqualified.
  6. The pictures must be submitted in a pen drive with minimal editing allowed on Lightroom & Photoshop.
  7. Participants should get their own cameras,tripod,transfer cable, card readers,laptops,pen drives etc. The host school will not provide any equipment.

The A - Team

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Yuvraj Sharma

Head of Web Designing

Can do stuff..

Click to see the full image

Aman Agarwal

Head of Robotics

Probably building a cyborg

Click to see the full image

Devansh Choudhary

Head of Robotics

Follows the line

Click to see the full image

Drashik Chhabra

Head of Creative Graphics

One helluva virtual artist that looks like a teddy

Click to see the full image

Vaibhav Bhardwaj

Head of Creative Graphics

Can make you look like Thanos at a snap of fingers

Click to see the full image

Kshitij Pandey

Head of 3D Modelling

Prints real virtual stuff

Click to see the full image

Dhruv Bahri

Head of Movie Making

The all-rounder perfectionist in the line

Click to see the full image

Asees Singh

Head of Movie Making

The tech guru

Click to see the full image

Aaryan Kohli

Head of Photography

The guy with the camera who clicks a lot of pictures for no reason

Click to see the full image

V. Chaitanya

Head of Quizzing

Siddhartha Basu's unrelated descendant

Click to see the full image

Shourya B Taneja

Head of Creative Graphics

Hmm...Mr. President of student council as well

Click to see the full image

Snigdha Soti

GD Specialist

Can say stuff as well, full of speakers here

Click to see the full image

Sanjeet Aggarwal

GD Specialist

Can say stuff

Click to see the full image

Nikita Pant

GD Specialist

Can say stuff too while also been Mrs. President of the student council

Click to see the full image

Bhaskar Manchanda

Assistant Photographer

Helps the guy with the camera who clicks a lot of pictures for no reason.

© All Rights Reserved. Pyrotech 2019
Website developed by @Yuvraj Sharma and the Pyrotech team
Tagore International School
Vasant Vihar